Friday, February 17, 2012

best friends

I picked up another book today from the church library: Hope & Help for the Widow: The Reality of Being Alone by Dr. Jan Sheble.  She begins by saying "This is a book I wish I didn't have to write and one I wish you didn't have to read." ... Isn't that the truth.  In just flipping through the book, the first bolded part that jumped out at me was: "My husband was my best friend and confidant.  Now, I have no one to share my deepest thoughts with.  My friends don't understand.  Whom can I turn to?"  This is so true for me.  I find myself talking to myself a lot when making decisions (big or small), watching tv, or especially when something silly happens that I know we would have laughed about - I absolutely hate not having him here to talk to and make decisions with.  The author goes on to say that some widows may wish their husband would have been their best friend, so I am thankful that he was and that we were that close.  I miss being able to bounce ideas off of him, I miss having him as my companion, I miss him.  Psalm 68: 4-5 sums up why I need the Lord so much right now, "Father to the fatherless, defender of the widows - this is God, whose dwelling is holy." Yep, that is me, a fatherless widow - who would have imagined?  God does indeed care that I am without my best friend, he is there for me, he will be here for me always, and I need to trust him... "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." 1 Peter 5: 7

Today's pictures:
 This is one of our engagement shots - on a beach of the Mississippi.  This really shows our 'best friend'  lifestyle.  We were just busting a gut together, something was obviously extremely funny. I'm pretty sure it was just really hard for me to sit on his lap and for him to not slide down the hill and me not to fall off with that little dress on.  See how his hand is on my knee? Yeah, I miss my best friend.

I wanted to also share a photo of my parents... Almost 11 months ago, my mom lost her best friend and confidant too.  I love this picture and how it shows how truly happy they were - just like our picture above.

In memory of my most favorite men in the world:

The world is diminished because my dad and Joe are gone ... but it is a better place because they were here.

Sweet Pea Fact of the Day:  (27 weeks today!) She is now about the same weight as a head of cauliflower! (about 2 pounds).

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