Monday, June 10, 2013

t-ball makes me cry

wow, that was a big picture on my last post - huh?
maybe i won't add pictures from my phone anymore!

so, tonight was the first night of winona park & rec t-ball, and both my niece and nephew are participating.  it was fun.  my niece was a little hesitant to run across the field with her new teammates for their first big huddle, which i can completely understand - her first team sport, a little intimidating... so, i ran across with her and sat with her through their meeting, and then she ran off and played - wonderfully, i might add.  i saw one of my old students from the preschool too, when i sat down with my niece, he got up from his spot and came over and plopped down next to me, exclaiming, "I like you!"  that was sweet. 

when my niece took her first run around the bases, the tears began to flow.  then my nephew, more tears.  i just got this overwhelming feeling about how proud my dad, their grandpa, and joe, their *favorite* uncle, would be of them... uff-da.  how life would be so much different if they were both sitting their cheering them on.  i felt like i was punched in the gut.  then, they ran the bases some more, and threw the balls around, and i wasn't so sad anymore.  until djoe and i were leaving.  i'm pushing her in the stroller across the grass towards the parking lot, when i see a boy with his parents squatting down behind him, beaming with delight, getting a photo taken of the three of them.  punch in the gut #2.  we will never have any photo like that.  djoe won't have her dad in the stands at t-ball, dance recitals, band concerts, graduation.  this punch in the gut made me feel like i was going to lose my lunch, but i collected myself.

unfortunately, i don't have any t-ball pictures to share since i have been getting real good at letting my phone run out of battery life, and tonight was one of those times.

ALL things

Excerpt from "streams in the desert"

He requires many different colors which individually maybe quite drab, to weave into the harmonious pattern. 

Separate tones notes and even discords are required to compose melodious musical anthems; a piece of machinery requires many separate wheels parts and connections. 

One part from a machine may be useless or one note from an anthem may never be considered beautiful but taken together combined and completed they lead to perfect balance and harmony. 

We can learn a lesson of faith from this: "you do not realize now what I'm doing, but later you will understand" (John 13:7). 

This all stems from Romans 8:28 "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose". 

To me this means all of the crappy things that have happened and are happening in my life will together form an amazing story.

 What does it mean to you?

Today I cancelled my tv programming. Tv channels do not help to live a simple life.  I have also started paving the path to reducing debt. Life, here I come! 

Friday, June 7, 2013


it's been a while!
i hope to give updates more frequently.
in addition to djoe updates and insights from God's Word, I will update you on my new endeavor to simplify my life!

so, on wednesday, i lost the job i thought i'd have until retirement.  i started it in january, and loved it..  i was completely blindsided on wednesday, being told that it isn't the "right fit" ... my work was "exemplary", but i wasn't the "right fit" ... what does that mean?

with that being said .... I KNOW WHO GOES BEFORE ME, I KNOW WHO STANDS BEHIND... THE GOD OF ANGEL ARMIES IS ALWAYS BY MY SIDE... we sang that song at CR tonight... listen to the whole song here!

i'm not worried.  yes, i'm upset because it was such a shock, but i'm holding God to his promises, and look forward to what he has planned for me next!

Psalm 31:3 states "Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me."  That is my prayer right now.  I do not want to make any quick decisions before truly listening to what God wants me to do.

Will you pray with me?

a simple life frees up time for things that matter
less stuff is better than more stuff

less stress
slow down
i am going to be getting rid of "stuff" and not allowing any new "stuff" come into our home - except for necessities, food, toiletries, etc.  we do not need anything.  yes, there are wants, but wants complicate life.  "stuff" creates chaos.  i don't want djoe growing up in a world with chaos. i don't want to live in a world of chaos.

i'm excited to get simple.

a promise

this is my promise to make an entry once each week...
here is a photo from sweet pea's 1st birthday!