Sunday, April 1, 2012

april fools

wow, how i wish a special someone or two would walk in here and say, "april fools!"

so, it is Palm Sunday - what does that mean to you?
well, it is the "triumphant entry" as Jesus begins his last few days as a human...
scripture explains why it is called "Palm Sunday":
John 12:12-13 says, "The next day the large crowd that had come to the Passover Festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem.  So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, Praise God! God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord! God bless the King of Israel!"
Throughout this week we reflect on Jesus' last days before being crucified, ending with his resurrection on Easter... Yeah, that's right, Easter isn't all about bunnies, eggs, and candy - Easter is about Jesus, just like Christmas!

 9.3.2010  |  hotel in northern WI
We were spending the Labor Day weekend with family near Ladysmith, I'm not sure if the hotel was in Ladysmith or not... perhaps.  Here Joe sits with his niece Maddie (one of them).  He loved her and all the kids in his life so very much.  This was a fun weekend, we got to hang out with Gillett cousins, it was a great bonding weekend.  We spent some time at a family cabin, drove the 4-wheelers around with Kevin and Cari, and had a blast.  This morning I listened to the one and only voice message I have saved from Joe.  It is priceless to me.  I have some texts saved too...  one of my favorite ones is "I miss u 2 sweetie" ~ I imagine him saying that to me right now... and I also love "O sweet pea.. she's a sweet girl"  I had texted him about her kicking me or something, that was his reply.  lu&mu joe...


  1. Joe really was amazing with the little ones. Noah absolutely loved him from the moment he met him. And that was back in 1995!! I have great pictures of him holding Noah so sweetly and lovingly even as a very young man. Definitely a amazing gift Joe had. I'm glad you have a voicemail. I also have one that he left when he called to share the exciting news about sweet pea! I've been able to listen to it only
    once so far. I'm trying to save it to my computer so that sweet pea might listen to it someday. You can hear the excitement and anxiousness in Joe's voice. :)

  2. yeah, you should definitely put that on your computer, I'd love to hear it! I should put mine on my computer or some other sort of 'drive' too to ensure its safety.

  3. Love this picture! Joe was always so at ease with kids, so natural and always loving them up!
