Friday, March 23, 2012

a large jicama

Lake Superior  |  on the ferry from Bayfield, WI to Madeline Island
blogging is helping me get my thoughts and feelings out, but it is hard, too, looking at all of these fun times that we had, knowing there will be no new ones made - but i am so thankful that i have all of these memories and that we had such a great time together.  thirty-two weeks for sweet pea today!  only 5 weeks till full term, 8 until due date - i wonder how many until she is here?  reports say she weighs 3.75 pounds and is about 16.7 inches long - taking up a lot of space in my uterus, and i can feel it!  i'm gaining about a pound a week (yay) and roughly half of that goes right to my baby.  in fact, she will gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next seven weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb.  she has toenails, fingernails, and real hair!!  her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.  i have an appointment today, and if i get any different information specific to her, i will be sure to share!

I'm going to share today from Proverbs 23
when it comes to money... 4-5
Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich.
    Be wise enough to know when to quit.
In the blink of an eye wealth disappears,
    for it will sprout wings
    and fly away like an eagle.
when it comes to parenting... 13-14
Don’t fail to discipline your children.
    They won’t die if you spank them.
Physical discipline
    may well save them from death.
when it comes to who you look up to... 17-18
Don’t envy sinners,
    but always continue to fear the Lord.
You will be rewarded for this;
    your hope will not be disappointed.
when it comes to your parents... 22-25
Listen to your father, who gave you life,
    and don’t despise your mother when she is old.
Get the truth and never sell it;
    also get wisdom, discipline, and good judgment.
The father of godly children has cause for joy.
    What a pleasure to have children who are wise.
So give your father and mother joy!
    May she who gave you birth be happy.

I know that there are people that do not believe the Bible pertains to us here today... If you believe that, you have not read the best parts of the Bible... The verses that you just read pertain to us today, and the verses below definitely do - it is a wake-up call, and it is so applicable to 2012.
Who has anguish? Who has sorrow?
    Who is always fighting? Who is always complaining?
    Who has unnecessary bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes?
It is the one who spends long hours in the taverns,
    trying out new drinks. 
 Don’t gaze at the wine, seeing how red it is,
    how it sparkles in the cup, how smoothly it goes down.
For in the end it bites like a poisonous snake;
    it stings like a viper.
You will see hallucinations,
    and you will say crazy things.
You will stagger like a sailor tossed at sea,
    clinging to a swaying mast.
And you will say, “They hit me, but I didn’t feel it.
    I didn’t even know it when they beat me up.
When will I wake up
    so I can look for another drink?”   
I can relate to this at certain times in my life, and I have definitely seen a lot of people go through this.  It sounds more like a regular old poem than Biblical words, doesn't it? 

Celebrate Recovery tonight, woohoo!
If you have never been there, you may be under the impression that it is basically for those struggling with chemical dependency.  Well, while there are some struggling with drugs and/or alcohol, there are many many people there that struggle with love, being in control, pride, relationships, brokenness, guilt, codependency, anger, and much more.  My opinion is, everyone struggles with something (but they may be in denial), and everyone can benefit from CR.  I started going to CR because I was broken and needed support, now, as I continue to attend and look at myself deeper, I notice other "character defects" or areas in my life that I struggle with that I also work on!  Free delicious meal at 6, large group at 7 (worship & speaker), small groups at 8 (CR 101 if it is your first time, and there are women's and men's groups for chemical dependency, hurts & hang-ups, and love & relationships), and dessert at 9.  Tonight's talk is on forgiveness, and is being given by Pastor Rick!  There is child care for little ones and great programming for K-5.

You are probably thinking about Easter - perhaps you are thinking about attending a church service?  I invite you to Pleasant Valley for Easter, services at 9 and 10:45 - "Titanic: an Easter Parable".  Dynamic children's programs also.
This year Easter will fall on the week of the 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.  Just as Christ used the stories of his day to tell us what the Kingdom of God was like, we will use the story of Titanic as a lens through which to examine our own hearts.
It was supposed to be the pinnacle of human engineering and advancement in the world.  So great was their confidence in this achievement, that Titanic began to be known as the ship that could not be sunk even before she put to sea.  All classes of society would board the Titanic for her maiden voyage.  They would have vastly different life stories.  Some would be rich, some poor.  Some would have achieved much in life, others were hoping for a new start in America.
They would all have one thing in common: they were boarding a ship that would sink.
Our religious efforts, no matter how extensive, will eventually sink without the resurrected life of Jesus Christ.   May you find Him for the first time or rejoice yet again  as we celebrate the Savior of the world.   

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