Thursday, March 8, 2012

abnormal growth


2/17/2011  |  Del's  |  St. Charles MN

This was Joe's salad bar plate, including his bun with the abnormal growth.  We thought it was funny enough to take two pictures!  The close up of the bun doesn't show it very well; however, the one where Joe is about to perform surgery to remove the growth does.  I really miss those days, just deciding to randomly go to dinner (in our slippers), then have a bun interesting enough to take pictures of, and just live life to the fullest - day in and day out.  People say I'm young, there will come a day when someone comes into my life, but the very thought of that now makes me sick to my stomach.  I don't think anyone could ever measure up to Joe and give me what we had together.

Today I read 2 John & 3 John.  I would like to share 2 John 3 with you, another verse explaining what is going on in my life right now:  "Grace, mercy, and peace, which come from God the Father and from Jesus Christ - the Son of the Father - will continue to be with us who live in truth and love."
I started a Bible Study on Hebrews, so I will probably be sharing from that soon.
My mom and Cindy came over after the Bible Study tonight and we got a lot of moving things around and organizing done, all in preparation for Sweet Pea.  Everyone is so excited for her to get here - I can not wait!  Tomorrow will be 30 weeks of development for her, I will share some new information!

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