Thursday, February 16, 2012

a simple prayer request

This morning I was asked about 'little things' that Joe did ... he did everything, it is so hard to pick apart things... but he called every morning after work when I was on my way to work, he kissed me goodbye at least two times before he left for work each night, he cooked supper, he took me on dates, he did the dishes, he put my socks on, he rubbed my back, he snuggled on the couch with me every day, he had sweet nicknames for me, he rubbed my belly, he would come hug and kiss me when I was up front singing karaoke, he would end his karaoke song with "I love you Amanda," he would weigh my food portions, he would hold my hand always - even when we were lying in bed together, he would prepare random candlelit dinners for me, he would write me a note on the back of a picture of us for me to take with on a trip without him ... there are so many more things, I think I could begin writing a book for men on how to be a wonderful husband just from having a wonderful husband. 

Today's picture ...
One of our trips up north to the Ashland/Bayfield area... We were just taking a leisurely stroll along the banks of Lake Superior.  It was a beautiful day, and when I think back to this trip, I feel like we had been together a lot longer than just a little over a year - we felt pretty comfortable together beginning towards the end of the first night we met... Not the beginning though, ha! That will be a story for another day. :)
Sweet Pea fact for today: she is 25% of her expected birth weight!

I had a conversation with work today, and my desire to come back part-time was denied.  It is either all or nothing... So, now I have to weigh all of the options and pray about it - do I go back March 1, wait until April 2, or not go back at all?  If I didn't have a commute to work and could come home at lunch time if I needed to, it wouldn't be such a hard decision... But I'm not sleeping well, and have break-downs during the day.  I'm a little nervous about going back - for my own sanity and for the education of the students I work with... I want them to have a teacher that is 100% there!!

God tells us not to judge - that includes ourselves, not just others.  When we feel guilty, we are judging ourselves... I never thought of this before.  When I feel guilty, I am doing something God tells us not to do, judging myself.  Forgiveness is an act of grace from God ... we have to have faith to accept this forgiveness.  I am thankful for my faith, how is yours?  A simple prayer can help us... "Cleanse Me, Lord from the silt of guilt."  Scripture to remember today and always, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1

Have a great Thursday, and if you desire, could you pray for me?  Pray that I am able to hear and choose God's will in regard to my work situation?  Thanks and God Bless.......

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