This is a funny and realistic video - you may have seen it on Facebook, but I want to share it with you.
12/31/2007 | Winona Bowl
We were ringing in the New Year with fun friends at Winona Bowl, it was a good time!! There are those beautiful eyes that I hope my daughter is blessed with. He was such an amazing man, and grew up so much since we started dating, and was so proud of his life and what was becoming of it. When we first got together he said he would NEVER live in Minnesota, then a little later, he said, "well, maybe Winona, since it is on the border" - but, then he ended up moving to St. Charles - that is quite a ways in!! all for me, and for our relationship!!I'm going to give you a quick verse today, because I waited so long to post today and need to get us to bed.
Luke 6:37 (Jesus's words)
"Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven."
I remember this pic. and the new years eve we all spent bowling together. It was such a great time and a night filled with great memories:)