so, apparently this is what she looks like now ... but her eyes now have
eyelashes! i'm hoping she got joe's long beautiful ones, not my
shorties! she is 2 1/4 pounds and almost 15" long. i had a nightmare that the doctor told me she already weighed 12 pounds. ha!
I woke up in an extreme missing mood. I had a dream that I was able to go back to that day and prevent the accident. But the next day, a beloved family member died, since Joe didn't, we had to lose the other person. So, I saw and was talking to Joe in my dream - when I woke up it seemed so stinkin' real, and just the reminder that it wasn't brought back the extreme missing feeling this morning. And, by saying that I saw and was talking to him, I don't mean that "he came to me in my dreams" or anything cooky, it was just that I dreamt about him...
Here he is, July 2010, in our Church Avenue apartment in Saint Charles. Just laying around, enjoying each other - what we did most of the time. I had probably just got a new camera, and made him be my model (just an excuse to take pictures of him). :-) There is one that I took right after this that he begged and begged me to delete off of the camera (he is making a super goofy face), that I still have and will keep just between him and I (and perhaps our daughter), treasuring forever.
I have always had a spending and shopping problem which Joe helped me with a lot. He was very smart with his money, and only spent money that he had in his wallet or checking account, and only on things he needed. Did you know that he saved up $1,000 to buy the brown bomber (our boat)? This was something Christ-like about him. In Luke 14:28, Jesus says "But don't begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?" We need to be sure that we are going to be able to have enough money to finish what we start - "Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. They would say, 'There's the person who started that building and couldn't afford to finish it!'" Luke 14:29-30
If you ever have anything to say, or something that comes to your mind after reading, please comment.. It is more than welcome. Tonight is Celebrate Recovery, let me know if you'd like to go!!
Amanda, you are such and inspiration to me! I love your move forward attitude and your thankfulness. I love how you and Joe loved each other!