Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:34: "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." I'm working on keeping myself in today (even in this very moment), and not worrying about the next moment, day, year - trying to turn those worries into prayers.
Today's picture ...
Here is my handsome baby at work... When he was able, we would text while he was at work... Usually when I would wake up in the middle of the night and have a hard time going back to sleep - I would text him for support, and occasionally he would take a picture of himself and send it to me for comfort. I'm glad I have so many of these pictures saved, since I'm so sad I won't ever be getting any new ones. I'm pretty sure that he was also showing me his new sweet safety glasses... wow, this is hard. I (we) had truly found love... we would sing Tom Petty's "You Got Lucky" to each other, but change the words from "you got lucky when I found you" to "I got lucky when I found you" ... we would often fight over who was luckier. I'm pretty sure that posting these daily pictures is helping me, because each day brings a different feeling, depending on what the picture is and what memories it brings... I often laugh through a face full of streaming tears. I think that if I were to try to stuff my pain and sadness down it would come out 100 times worse in the future - like I would come across a picture of him in a few months and have a complete breakdown (that may still happen, but hopefully with less intensity since I am not avoiding it now).
May you be thankful and blessed by God today.
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