2.17.2011 | outside Del's Cafe St. Charles MN
We went out to supper in our slippers! I feel like I am always repeating myself in saying how wonderful things were with us... Well, little things like this were part of our specialness as a couple together. We decided to go to Del's for supper this Thursday evening, and decided to just go in our slippers! This is on the sidewalk right outside the door, showing us sporting our matching slippers. That was us - the youngest couple -by far- at Del's on a Thursday night, in our slippers! We were amazing together. We both enjoyed the occasional spontaneous event, such as this. I have a picture from during the meal too, I will share that tomorrow. I miss him so much, it hurts that he is gone already. I know that no one lives forever, but happening so abruptly and earlier than I wanted and expected (both Joe and my dad), it is such a shocking pain - but I know this pain is a reminder that this is not our home, we are only on Earth for a short snippet of eternity. I am so glad and thankful that Joe and I were brought together and that I got to spend a little over five and a half years with him and have the joy of raising our child. Who, by the way, is moving a TON lately. We had Cha Chi's for lunch today (much better than last time, I had a chicken taco salad) and Green Mill for supper (Walleye sandwich, fries, and strawberry sundae) - I think she is happy (oh yeah, plus a Bloedow's donut in the middle). I am working on getting more water in, because baby gaga on Facebook tells me that she is floating in and drinking her pee, which is sterile, but I can help it be cleaner by drinking lots of water and eating fruits and vegetables.
Today I am going to share a parable explaining why I share about God and what He is doing in my life. Similar to the song, "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..." In Mark 4:21 Jesus says, "Would anyone light a lamp and then put it under a basket or under a bed? Of course not! A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light will shine." Amidst all of my pain, God is giving me peace in each moment, joy in life, and hope for the future. Without God, honestly, losing my dad and my husband - the two men I relied on for everything - under these circumstances, I would be in the psych ward, or at least not living on my own being able to take care of myself... How else could you explain it? I get tired and worn out very easily, and at times have trouble getting out of bed, but I am not going crazy.
I've never thought of the whole pee thing...strangely alarming and interesting at the same time! So exciting to think of sweet pea and her light coming to shine on us. I remember when Joe was born. He was SO sweet and SO chubby. Mom and I where just talking today about how he always wanted to be held, never liked chairs or swings. He loved to be snuggled to go to sleep. Sounds like he still did even as an adult!