Saturday, March 31, 2012

birthday cake

8/29/2010  >  Church St. apartment
Celebrating birthdays for Joe & Steph!
We went to the Gladiolus Day's parade as a family and then had strawberry dt. mountain dew cake! Joe and i had been engaged for 24 days, so we had probably just chosen our wedding date... Everyone was there - mom & dad, peg jake & kids, cindy bob & andrea, steph and frank - i think amy and her family might have even been there!  What a wonderful day to look back on.  Look at that sweet smile - not just a smile, but the head tilt and sweet eyes also - apparently someone else was taking a picture at the same time, since both of them are looking the other way.  This was another one of my old shirts that he took ownership of, of course it looked better on him since it was made for a man.  lujoe....

Sweet Pea is 33 weeks old, and she was celebrating today! Wow, she was really moving a lot all day - it started right away this morning and was pretty consistent for a few hours.  Then she must have napped, but was back at it this afternoon.  At one point in the day I laid back flat on the bed and my belly was shaped more like a steep mountain than a little hill, I think she was laying in there pushing her butt up!  It was so amazing to see - so crazy to think that there is a baby inside of me and pretty soon I will be able to hold her.  Funny, she must be able to tell that I am typing about her, she just now, as I am typing, got the hiccups!  My sweet little girl.  We had another shower today, very intimate with close girlfriends in Rochester.  It was a lovely day and we came away with lovely and thoughtful gifts.  We have 48 days to go till our due date, which is less days than we have been without daddy - that time has gone fast so I know these next few weeks will go by fast too.  My pregnancy app says she weighs a little over 4 pounds and has passed the 17 inch mark.  She is rapidly losing the wrinkly alien look and her skeleton is hardening.  She might grow an inch this week alone and her eyes are actually starting to stay open while she is awake!! Crazy, I wonder what it looks like in there!  She has been good to me - many people lately are saying that I don't look 7 1/2 months pregnant, and that I even look cute pregnant - wow, I enjoy keeping myself surrounded by positive people - thank you all!! :)

I love Ephesians...
Ephesians 3:16-21
Paul's Prayer for Spiritual Growth = my prayer for you: 
I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower YOU with inner strength through his Spirit.  Then Christ will make his home in YOUR hearts as YOU trust in him.  YOUR roots will grow down into God's love and keep YOU strong.  And may YOU have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high and how deep his love is.  May YOU experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.  Then YOU will be made complete will all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.  Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within US, to accomplish infinitely more than WE might ask or think.  Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever!  Amen.

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